Every single person on the planet has goals, both short and long-term.
Unfortunately, people often struggle with setting and maintaining long-term goals. Goals that require months and even years to accomplish are tough to see through these days, we’re constantly busy and moving around, and sometimes goals can change altogether. You might know how to set a goal but not how to maintain pursuit of that goal from start to finish. Certain tactics can help you throughout the process, though.
Check out this quick guide on how to effectively set long term goals

Step 1
Map Out The Entire Process
Obviously, you have to start out by choosing your long-term goals. It never hurts to write them down on paper, and mapping everything out is perhaps even smarter. The key to success involves creating milestones, or subgoals, that come between now and achieving a given goal. By creating milestones, you’ll be able to achieve small accomplishments before the larger goal. This serves the purpose of reminding you about each long-term goal and giving you some satisfaction at making tangible progress.
Step 2
Know When To Make Changes Along The Way
Our long-term goals can change from time to time. Life events and other situations can force this change, or you could simply have a change of heart related to a goal. For that reason, you need to recognize when it’s appropriate to modify your long-term goals. Perhaps your goals won’t change too much, and only small modifications will be necessary. If you have everything written down, then you can put these changes on paper to stay reminded of what the end game is at the moment.
Step 3
Take The Time To Focus On Your Goals
Writing down and thinking about your goals means nothing if you don’t work toward them. Therefore, you need to dedicate standalone time for a given long-term goal. Spend a few minutes here and there working on subgoals and long-term goals. Inaction is the single biggest barrier to working on your goals. Sadly, the average person lets time pass on without ever focusing on their goals. Thinking about a goal is not the same thing as actively making progress on it.
Get Working On Those Goals Today!

Long-term goals are much more complicated than short-term goals, which probably sounds obvious. In the end, you can’t hope to accomplish such goals without knowing how to effectively set long term goals and then work toward them. Far too many people map out goals in their minds and then never do anything with them. Writing out these goals, making subgoals, tracking your progress, and then making adjustments where necessary are all keys to success here.
Finally, always remember to keep your goals realistic and reasonable. Dream a little, but don’t go too wild!